Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment Symposium
An excellent symposium hosted at the IET. A lovely building with a statue of Faraday right in front. The symposium was hosted by DSTL.
After two days, I think it is fair to say the Symposium was an excellent opportunity to get outside my academic bubble and listen to engaging speakers from government and industry talk about the developing needs of sensors and communications in the electromagnetic environment. Not just for Next Generation systems, but Generation After Next.
The workshops were also an excellent opportunity to dig a little deeper into the needs of the community. Sadly there was no way to attend them all, but I was able to weigh in on the Science and Technology enablers, and Future Sensing concepts, and both were very rewarding.
I also presented a poster on my work on spatial intelligence, combining the predictive ability of LyceanEM with my ongoing research into computer vision, radio localisation and communications. Sadly the symposium had a no photo policy, but I have uploaded a copy of my poster so the interested reader can take a look. I am particularly proud of the agreement between LyceanEM’s predictions of the spatial map of the anechoic chamber, and the measured response. A correlation of 97.1% is an excellent marker for this area, and encouraging for the ability of LyceanEM to rapidly transform a spatial map into useful channel information.
Best of all were the many interesting conversations about electromagnetics, the need for open standards for modelling and design to allow for validation of new systems concepts between academia, industry and the government. Future work on LyceanEM should certainly keep an eye towards not just use as an open source library for rapid virtual prototyping, but also as an open standard for communications and sensor modelling.