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About me
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A welcome invite from Reset Connect resulted in Professor Mark Beach and I taking the train up to Westminster with posters and a Communication Systems and Networks Laboratory banner up to Parliament. Presenting the results of my work on scalable electromagnetics for Space-based Solar Power. We were able to engage with Members of Parliament from the North of England, and discuss the potential for different technologies to address the Net Zero Climate Challenge.
A critical part of the development of LyceanEM in support of the development of Space-based Solar Power is the development of a robust and accurate model for microwave propagation. The critical issue for space-based solar power is an accurate prediction of the losses from propagation through the different layers of the atmosphere for extremely large scale microwave beams, over 1km in radius. This level of electromagnetics modelling is beyond the capability of current commercial software, and requires the development of new open-source tools to support the development of the technology.
The Royal Academy of Engineering Awardee Excellence Community Conference was an excellent opportunity to meet other awardees, and discuss the future of engineering in the UK. The conference was held in Manchester, and was a great opportunity to brings together Royal Academy awardees and alumni to network, exchange ideas, learn from each other and to shape the work of the Academy.
Initial mapping of the vehicular Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurement dataset created with Spirent and Cardiff University.
An intial exploration of PyVista for interactive 3D plots, and the challenges and opportunities for interactive plots in webpages.
I’m excited to announce “The Power of the Sun : Workshop on Space Based Solar Power”, funded by the University of Bristol, and supported by the Satellite Applications Catapult and Virtus Solis. Beyond the academic interest in the problems of modelling such large antenna arrays in orbit, I am very excited about the possibility of transforming what was a staple of science fiction, into a very real contributor to the energy mix.
When considering antennas and antenna arrays, one of the more useful and consistent abstractions are that of the plane wave
, and the related concept of the farfield
. These concepts are simplifications of the expanding spherical wavefronts in the limit of large distances. The approximation states that when considering a specific direction or set of directions the spherical wavefront can be approximated as a plane wave propagating in the direction of interest.
An excellent symposium hosted at the IET. A lovely building with a statue of Faraday right in front. The symposium was hosted by DSTL.
Workshop Announcement: RF Sensing as a Service A workshop hosted by the University of Bristol as part of my research into satellite based passive radar, in order to explore the challenges, breakthroughs and applications for space based sensor networks.
Announcement of Nvidia Applied Research Accelerator Award, and implications for combined sensor network research.
Addition of examples to the documentation for LyceanEM, found at examples. The examples cover Aperture Projection, Aperture Modelling, Array Modelling and Beamforming, and modelling physical channels in the Frequency or Time Domain.
LyceanEM, the electromagnetics software I have been developing to support my research is now open for anybody to use. If you have an interest in communications, antennas, or radar then LyceanEM can help.
Announcement of Royal Academy of Engineering Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Discussions of the struggles of electromagnetics development, profiling, and the benefits of the GPU architecture
Introduction to GPU accelerated processing, and exploration of medical imaging
In order to predict the performance envelope of an array, the effects of beamforming the aperture need to be taken into account. The array is modelled using electric current sources to replicate the individual elements and "Equal Gain Combining" to form the beam efficiently in along the desired directions.
What’s the point of Modelling?
Welcome to the LyceanEM blog, I will add to it as I work on new ways to model electromagnetics for sensors and communications. I will update this blog with musings on the changing needs of antenna engineers in the battle for bandwidth and capability on the latest sensor and communications systems, and ways to address them.
Published in Annual Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, 2008
This paper is about modelling antenna elements within a reconfigurable conformal framework.
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, "Simulation of d(7Be,t)6Be with Fresco, and investigation of resonant states of 6Be " 2008 Annual Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics,
Published in Vehicular Technology Conference, 2015
This paper is about modelling antenna elements within a reconfigurable conformal framework.
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, G. Hilton, R. Lewis and C. Railton, "Variable Geometry Conformal Antenna Array for Element Comparison," 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Glasgow, 2015, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/VTCSpring.2015.7146157.
Published in IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2015
This paper is about modelling antenna elements within a reconfigurable conformal framework, with reference to measurements of the same
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, G. Hilton, C. Railton and R. Lewis, "FDTD model performance analysis for a Cavity Slot Antenna array in a variable geometry conformal test rig," 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC, 2015, pp. 1836-1837, doi: 10.1109/APS.2015.7305307.
Published in Wideband and Multi-Band Antennas and Arrays for Civil, Security and Military Applications, 2015
This paper investigates an extension of Hannans equation for the maximum achievable directivity of a planar aperture
Recommended citation: T. Pelham, G. Hilton, E. Mellios and R. Lewis, "Predicting conformal aperture directivity for arbitrary curved surfaces," Wideband and Multi-Band Antennas and Arrays for Civil, Security & Military Applications, London, 2015, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1049/ic.2015.0147.
Published in 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2016
This paper is about modelling antenna elements within a reconfigurable conformal framework.
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, G. Hilton, E. Mellios, C. Railton and R. Lewis, "Conformal antenna array modelling, FDTD predictions and measurements for Dual Circular Patch in Variable Geometry Conformal Antenna Array Test Rig, " 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481683.
Published in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016
This paper is about predicting the on platform performance envelope for conformal antenna arrays
Recommended citation: T. Pelham, G. Hilton, E. Mellios and R. Lewis, "Predicting Conformal Aperture Gain From 3-D Aperture and Platform Models" IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, pp. 700-703, 2017, doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2016.2600403 .
Published in European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2017
This paper is about modelling antenna elements within a reconfigurable conformal framework.
Recommended citation: V. Kalokidou, T. Pelham, M. Beach, P. Legg and A. Lunness, "Link performance evaluation for mm-Wave systems ", 2017 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Oulu, 2017, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980712.
Published in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2018
This paper is introduces a convenient method for characterization of integrated antenna arrays using packed measurements
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, D. Reyes, M. Beach, E. Mellios and M. Rumney, "Non-intrusive characterization of 60GHz antenna array, using packet measurements," 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, 2018, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1049/cp.2018.1045.
Published in Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2018
This paper covers polarimetric multiband measurements of urban multipath propagation
Recommended citation: A. L. Freire, T. Pelham, D. Kong, L. Sayer, V. Sgardoni, F. Tila, E. Mellios, M. Beach, A. Nix, G. Steinböck, "Polarimetric Diffuse Scattering Channel Measurements at 26 GHz and 60 GHz," 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bologna, 2018, pp. 210-214, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8581035.
Published in Royal Society Open Science, 2019
This paper is about evaluating 3D printed spiral phase plates for generating orbital angular momentum modes
Recommended citation: Allen B., Pelham T., Wu Y., Drysdale T., Isakov D., Gamlath C., Stevens C. J., Hilton G., Beach M. A. and Grant P. S. (2019) "Experimental evaluation of 3D printed spiral phase plates for enabling an orbital angular momentum multiplexed radio system" Royal Society Open Science
Published in 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2021
This paper is part of a new series on over the air test (OTA) techniques at 26GHz.
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, A. L. Freire, G. Hilton, M. Beach
Published in 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2021
This paper is part of a new series on over the air test (OTA) techniques at 26GHz.
Recommended citation: A. L. Freire, T. G. Pelham, G. Hilton, M. Beach
Published in IEEE Access, 2021
Conformal Antenna Array design methods, using raycasting for efficent on platform modelling
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, G. Hilton, E. Mellios, and R. Lewis
Published in Radar 2022, 2022
Demonstration of the workflow for rapid antenna array design and analysis using LyceanEM
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham, "Rapid antenna and array analysis for virtual prototyping" International Conference on Radar Systems (RADAR 2022), Hybrid Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2022, pp. 278-282, doi: 10.1049/icp.2022.2330
Published in Royal Academy of Engineering Research Forum 2022, London, 2022
Vision to Radio, Computer Vision based Spatial Modelling for future Networks
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham
Published in ICMS, Edinburgh, 2023
Demonstration of the workflow for rapid antenna array design and analysis using LyceanEM
Recommended citation: T. G. Pelham
Published in The Journal of Open Source Software, 2023
Demonstration of the workflow for rapid antenna array design and analysis using LyceanEM
Recommended citation: Pelham, T. G., (2023). LyceanEM: A python package for virtual prototyping of antenna arrays, time and frequency domain channel modelling. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(86), 5234,
Published in Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment Symposium, 2023
The electromagnetic environment represents a consistently open RF attack surface. Spatial fingerprinting is proposed as a fusion of spatial intelligence, onboard electromagnetic modelling and machine learning to allow nodes within a network to identify and localise transmitters in their locality . This capability forms the basis of reciprocal trust networks between nodes in a node work, enabling self securing behaviour, and the identification and localisation of unauthorised transmitters attempting to penetrate the network. This process is demonstrated using modelled and measured data of LoRa network packets with an Anechoic Chamber, allowing for complete modelling of the scattering environment within the spatial intelligence node, and localisation of the transmitters.
Recommended citation: Pelham, T. G., (2023). Spatial Fingerprinting for Future Self Securing Networks. Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment Symposium - 2023
Published in Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment Symposium, 2023
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data has become a stable of modern life, whether delivered through a smartphone, vehicle, or as part of an industrial dataset. The expectation of reliable position and time information, irrespective of the environment, becomes challenging in tunnels and canyons with significant multipath, whether natural or urban. An initial look at an open dataset of LIDAR, Computer Vision, and GNSS data is presented, combined with a channel model produced from this dataset, comparing the expected and measured line of sight and multipath contributions from GPS sources while moving around Bristol, from unobstructed surroundings to deep natural and urban canyons.
Recommended citation: Pelham, T. G., (2023). Spatial Modelling for GPS Replication in Natural and Urban Canyons. Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment Symposium - 2023
As mobile communications expands to higher frequency domains, the development of accurate, cost effective methods of antenna array design and over the air (OTA) validation is required to ensure that user equipment is capable of meeting the system requirements of beamformed directivity and pointing accuracy. In the course of developing these methods, GPU enhanced modelling allows for accurate simulation of the scenarios under test and exploration of different system configurations
The talk can be found on Youtube here.
As GPU capabilities allow for more detailed electromagnetics and physical models to be explored on smaller platforms, there is an opportunity for overlap between ways of measuring the 3D space, and the measurement architecture itself. The use of different sensing modes for Digital Twins allows for the possibility of radio frequency measurements with accompanying computer vision or lidar measurements, in order to allow the researcher to account for the signature of the built environment, office space, or anechoic chamber within the measurement. Initial work will be present, and the concept explored for future work.
A tutorial on antenna array design for complex platforms at Radar 2022 in Edinburgh. As the demand for integrated radar systems increases, there is a commensurate need for consistent model based approaches to the design and integration of antennas and antenna arrays in the overall platform and system models. On mobile platforms, the interior volume and surface footprint available to sensors is a critical resource, while for fixed structures, the influence of the local environment must be considered if a proposed radar system is to meet the desired system performance requirements.
Undergraduate course, University of Bristol, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2018
Introduction to the basic principles of circuit analysis. Introducing electrical components, and the fundamental laws that govern the behaviour of electrical circuits under both direct and alternating current.
Undergraduate course, University of Bristol, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2018
Understanding of the behaviour of transistors, and the design of circuits using MOSFET and BJT devices. Covering the effects of feedback, amplifier design, and the operation of oscillators and `tank’ circuits.
Masters course, University of Bristol, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2019
This course is designed to give an understanding of the issues involved in the design and evaluation of equipment that must comply with electromagnetic compatibility standards. Covering the circuits and structures which give rise to interference, and the mechanisms by which this occurs. Calculating the crosstalk between different conductors, while introducing the different methods of screening and grounding to mitigate this interference.